
Alerts and Messages

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Alerts and Messages

2 articles

How do I get reminder alerts and Messages on my phone?

To update your Alert Settings, you will need to opt in. 

  1. From the Home tab, click your blue name link
  2. Then click Alert Settings. You can choose email and/or text message. Check one or both boxes. 
  3. For text message, click the blue activate text messaging link. 
  4. Enter in your 10-digit phone number (including area code) with no dashes or spaces. 
  5. Click the Activate Text Messaging button. You will then receive a verification code on your phone. 
  6. Enter that code in the box and click Save
  7. Simply uncheck any Enabled box on the Alert Settings window to turn OFF alerts. 

I got a mobile alert message and I responded, and nothing happened…

Mobile alerts/messages are one-way only. They are notifications, and you cannot respond to them. You will need to create a new message in the Messages area to respond.


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