

Resource Allocation Icon


5 articles

What is the Resources feature?

Your company may have Resources it wants to track or schedule, such as vehicles, tools, computers, equipment, conference rooms, etc. Any user can create and schedule a Resource by clicking the Add Resource button. Before adding a Resource, you will want to make sure that Resource Types and Resource Status Codes are set up. Administrators can add/edit/delete Resource Types and Resource Status Codes. Companies can add as many resources as they need, there is no additional cost.

How can I add a new Resource Type?

  1. Click the cog wheel in the upper right corner.
  2. Click Resource Types
  3. Click the Add Resource Type button. 
  4. Type in the Name and add a photo of the type (optional). 
  5. Click Save.

To Edit a Resource Type: Click on the blue name link of the Resource Type. Then edit the Name and/or the image, and click Save. To Delete a Resource Type:  Click on the blue name link of the Resource Type. Click the Delete button.  NOTE: Deleting a resource type CANNOT be undone! You will need to choose a replacement Resource Type, and type DELETE in all capital letters. This will update status history and other data with the new Type. 

How can I add Resource Status Codes?

Just like User status codes, Resources also have status codes. These codes will let a user know if a Resource is available, or not available for use, and/or what the current status of the Resource is. 

  1. To Add a New Resource Status Code: Click the cog wheel in the upper right corner. 
  2. Click Resource Status Codes. 
  3. Click the Add Resource Status Code button. Type in the Name of the Resource Status Code such as Ready, Working, Out for Repair, etc. 
  4. Then choose the appropriate Status Type for this Code. You can choose Available, In Use, or Out of Service. 
  5. Next, you can then choose a color for your code, if desired. 
  6. You may select a Fixed Return Time for any Resource Status Codes, if desired.  If you add in a Return Time, when the user selects that Resource Status Code, the return time will show on the Resources list for that Resource. Return times may be overridden by the user when they change the status of a Resource. NOTE: A Fixed Return Time will not automatically change the status of a Resource.  
  7.  When done click Save

To Edit a Resource Status Code: Click on the blue name link of the Resource Status Code. Then edit the Name and click Save. To Delete a Resource Status Code:  Click on the blue name link of the Resource Status Code. Click the Delete button.  NOTE: Deleting a Resource Status Code CANNOT be undone! You will need to choose a replacement Resource Status Code, and type DELETE in all capital letters. This will update status history and other data with the new Status Code.  

How can I view and schedule Resources?

When you click on the Resources tab, you will see a list of all Resources.Click the Filter button to filter resources to see what you need. Just like the Status Board, the Filter button will turn RED anytime any filters have been selected. There is also a Columns link that you can use to select the information you want displayed for the Resource. 

To Change the Status of a Resource: Click on the Status code. You can change who the resource is assigned to, work status of the resource, expected return date/time, and add any comments. When done, click Save.

To View Details of the Resource, including the Schedule: Click the Resource’s blue name link. From here you can view the resource’s details and status history. You can also change the resource’s picture, update the resource’s status, edit the resource’s information and details, delete the resource, and schedule the resource for future use. NOTE: this schedule is NOT the same as the shared company calendars area (Calendar tab). This is the only place you will see the resource’s schedule button. See below for how to schedule a resource.

To Schedule a Resource: From the Resources tab, click the blue name link of the Resource, then click the Schedule button. This will show you the current schedule of the resource. 

  1. Click New to schedule the resource. 
  2. Add a Subject and a Start and End day/time (or All Day event). You can make it a recurring event as well by clicking the drop down next to Does not repeat.
  3. Add Event Details (all optional) location, category, who the resource is assigned to, starting/ending status change, and description. 
  4. When done, click Save. This will show your scheduled event on the resource’s calendar page. (Resource calendars are stand alone. They do not connect to any other calendars on the site.)
  5. Click the gray Back button to return to the Resources list. 

To Add a New Resource: From the Resources tab, click the Add Resource button.

  1. Add the Name and the Type of the resource, these are required fields. 
  2. Add the Location of the resource. 
  3. Click Yes for Active if you would like the resource to appear on the resources list.
  4. Click Yes for Available for Scheduling if you want users to be able to schedule the resource for future use. (Typically you would only set this to No if the resource was damaged, being repaired, etc.)
  5. The remaining Details are optional. Add information as appropriate to the resource.
  6. When done, click Save

I added a Resource, but I can’t Schedule it.

  1. Click the Resource’s blue name link.
  2. Click the Edit button.
  3. Check the Available for Scheduling button. Change it to Yes.
  4. Click Save. Then you will see the Schedule button.


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